Saturday, June 14, 2008

Function Bellman-Ford algorithm for shortes path

Function Bellman-Ford (G, W, VS)
The above Function finds the shortest path from the given graph if no negative weight cycle exists. It makes a call to procedure Relax. The function returns ‘True’ if no negative weight cycle exists, that is reachable from the source.

Step 1 Initialization, loop.
For Vi  V1, V2 ..... Vn R For each Vi in V  G
set dist [Vi]  + 
set color [Vi]  white
set pre [Vi]  NULL
set dist [Vs]  0
Step 2 Loop 1, Relaxation
for i  1, 2, 3..... V  – 1 passes, V  G.
loop 2 starts
for each edge (Vi, Vj)  E R E  G.
call to Relax (Vi,Vj, W)
end of loop 2
Step 3 Coloring
set color [Vi]  black
end of loop 1
Step 4 Checking, negative weight edge cycle
for each edge (Vi, Vj)  E
E  G
if (dist [Vj] >dist [Vi] + W (Vi, Vj) then
return false
Step 5 No negative weight cycle return at the point of call
return true.

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