/*Program: To show operations in binary tree*/
/*Purpose: Program to show traversals in bibary tree*/
/*Date : 05-01-2005*/
/*Time : 10:30*/
typedef struct BTree_t
char data;
struct BTree_t *llink;
struct BTree_t *rlink;
/**************Function Declaration Begin**********/
BTree *binarytree( BTree *, char);
void preorder( BTree * );
void inorder( BTree * );
void postorder( BTree * );
/**************Function Declaration End**********/
void main()
char c,data;
BTree *p;
printf( “\n\t\t Program to show traversal operations in a binary tree”);
printf( “\n Enter data ( single character ) in PRE ORDER:” );
p = ( BTree * )malloc( sizeof ( BTree ) );
p = NULL;
printf( “\n Enter data ( single character ):” );
scanf( “%c”,&data );
p=binarytree( p,data );
fflush( stdin );
printf( “\n Add some other node(press ‘y’ for yes):” );
fflush( stdin );
}while( c==’y’ );
printf( “\n preorder traversal of a binary tree is:” );
preorder( p );
printf( “\n inorder traversal of a binary tree is:” );
inorder( p );
printf( “\n postorder traversal of a binary tree is:” );
postorder( p );
/********** creation of binary tree **********/
/********** Function Definition begins **********/
BTree *binarytree( BTree *p, char data )
if( p == NULL )
p =( BTree * )malloc( sizeof ( BTree ) );
p->llink = NULL;
p->rlink = NULL;
p->data = data;
if(data <>data)
p->llink = binarytree( p->llink, data );
if(data >p->data)
p->rlink = binarytree( p->rlink, data );
printf( “\n Enter is duplicate” );
return( p );
/********** Function Definition ends **********/
/********** pre order traversing **********/
/********** Function Definition begins **********/
void preorder( BTree * p )
if ( p != NULL )
printf( “%4c”, p->data );
preorder( p->llink );
preorder( p->rlink );
/********** Function Definition ends **********/
/********** in order traversing **********/
/********** Function Definition begins **********/
void inorder( BTree * p )
if (p != NULL)
inorder( p->llink );
printf( “%4c”, p->data );
inorder( p->rlink );
/********** Function Definition ends **********/
/********** post order traversing **********/
/********** Function Definition begins **********/
void postorder( BTree * p )
if ( p != NULL )
postorder( p->llink );
postorder( p->rlink );
printf( “%4c”, p->data );
/********** Function Definition ends **********/
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